- Article 1 (definition)
- Article 2 (About application)
- Article 3 (Change of Terms of Service)
- Article 4 (Compensation for Damages)
- Article 5 (Prohibited act)
- Article 6 (Punishment within Minecraft)
- Article 7 (User's Responsibility)
- Article 8 (deprivation of participation)
- Article 9 (Dealing with cancellation)
- Article 10 (Disclaimer)
- Article 11 (personal information)
- 第12条(著作権)
Article 1 (definition)
The user of this server is called "user".
Players who manage and operate the server as a whole are called "administrative" or "administrator". These may include "moderator" as well.
Article 2 (About application)
These Terms of Service shall be deemed to have agreed to the latest Terms of Service at the time of logging in to this server.
Article 3 (Change of Terms of Service)
The server shall be able to modify these Terms without consent of the user when judging it necessary.
In this case, the terms of use of this server will be based on the changed terms.
Changes to this agreement will be announced to users at any time on-line or in a manner determined separately by this server.
The changed terms will take effect from the time the server publishes it.
Article 4 (Compensation for Damages)
In case of damages to this server or other person by using this service, the user shall indemnify the damage with own responsibility and expenses.
Article 5 (Prohibited act)
This server prohibits the following acts
- Inappropriate remarks, Spam action (as below as an example)
- Act to act against public order and morals such as blaming opponents, bad throes, fuzzing, insults, etc.
- Fighting fighting and dispute with chat
- Repeat persistently acts to make similar remarks (including death log etc.)
- Invitation to induce and induce other servers without permission
- Logging in unpleasant / obscene Minecraft skin or user name.
- Actions to shoot and distribute without permission on the event server / backup server
- Act that interferes with the operation of this server
- Using repeated clicking tool · ClickBot
- Illegal · crush game properties · use of hack client
- Prohibited acts in each game rule.
- Nuisance and vandalism.
Article 6 (Punishment within Minecraft)
Article 5, paragraph 5 or Article 5, paragraph 6, Article 5, paragraph 8 When punished by the latter, punishment with GlobalBAN In the case of GlobalBAN, share that information with the server that installed the T! PS plugin If you become a punishment GlobalBAN Punish subjects when other owned accounts are found to be the same person.
Article 7 (User's Responsibility)
· Users are responsible for action.
The user shall use this service at the user's responsibility and the user shall bear all responsibility for all actions performed by the user (regardless of whether intentionally or not) and the result.
· All actions taken by the user are responsible for the owner of the account.
In this service, we assume that all actions performed by the user's account are made by the user holding the account.
· Players must be responsible for the disclosed information.
Personal information (residential area, real name, age, age, sex, age, sex, age, sex, age, sex, age, sex, age, sex, age etc) such as texts, sounds, movies, images and images accompanying images that have been disclosed intentionally or not by the user within this service, We include all information contents such as gender etc. and position information etc for the user who disclosed it. Management does not assume any responsibility for information disclosed by users in this service or in all services related to this service.
Article 8 (deprivation of participation)
Article 5 If it falls under any of the prohibited items of each item, or it turns out that it violates this agreement
- In the event of interfering with the operation of this server and this service
- Whether it is an antisocial forces, or if it is related to such forces, or has been involved in the past
- In the case of a violation of laws or criminal acts or conducts that are likely to occur, or suspected of being involved in a criminal case and there is a risk that the trust of this server will be harmed by continuing this agreement
- In addition, when judging that this server is inappropriate as a user
Article 9 (Dealing with cancellation)
In the event of deprivation of participation, ownership of buildings, belongings, and premises made by this server shall be transferred to physical management.
However, if you re-acquire your qualification for participation, you may not be able to refund your ownership after conversion to management, if physical processing is done.
Article 10 (Disclaimer)
The server shall assume no responsibility within the scope of laws and ordinances against the disadvantage or damage caused to the user when using this service etc.
Any information on the information obtained from the service etc. by the user shall be determined by the user's responsibility and the server will not do any guarantee.
With respect to the equipment and software used by the user, this server shall not guarantee its operation at all.
Article 11 (personal information)
The server shall handle the personal information of the user appropriately according to the "privacy policy" posted separately.